關於「愛•群社」 About us

我們在愛裏一起交織了這個夢: 願景更多婦女與時並進, 勇敢行出一步,突破自己的限制,透過不同平台和彼此互助推動下,發揮內在潛能,開拓新領域!



「你們祈求,就給你們,尋找,就尋見; 叩門,就給你們開門。」馬太福音7:7

一直為這個願景懇切祈禱、等候 神的引領,今年COVID-19這段特殊日子裡,神奇妙地安排了同路人,在大家群策群力下,建立了我們的夢想基地「愛•群社」。

「愛•群社」是一個結合網誌,線上及實體活動,全接觸全參與全天候的婦女合作社! 本著主耶穌關愛的典範,互助互勉,發揮創意和潛力,帶動社區正能量!

達致夢想最關鍵的一步是行動,我們必須有「叩門」的勇氣! 誠意邀請你瀏覽我們的網誌,參加星期二線上聚會,一同學習交流! 世界不停轉變,唯獨 神的愛永遠不變。深願我們一直堅守這份關愛的初心,與婦女們昂首同行,活出更豐盛、燦爛的人生!

Winnie Wong



Let’s Dream Together
We dream that today’s women are able to break from that invisible restraint within, and welcome a bold new world with confidence.  Many women have spent their lives devoted to family, now with an empty nest, an uncertain void sank in.  Yet, every woman is unique, capable and full of potential, with encouragement and support through various sharing platforms and support, life can be fulfilling and exciting again. 

I have been working in the community for over a decade. Over the years, I have met many women who were ready to morph, fluttering far and high. I remembered vividly that a housewife used to keep her head down and did not have the courage to speak up.  With chronic illnesses, she improved her health through proper diet and exercise, was eager to share this discovery with others. Yet she found herself as if trapped in a cocoon, too timid to reach out. With our members’ unyielding encouragement, equipped with essential computer skills and organizing presentation materials, she gained more confidence. Now she has been invited to numerous institutions and cancer recovery groups sharing her experience in healthy living. There are more and more women just like her, given the opportunity and encouragement, will give back to the community for years to come.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
I have been praying for this dream to come true. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Almighty magically bring together a fantastic team of like-minded individuals to create “women2connect”.

This blog, “women2connect”, features online and in-person activities in an effort to reach out and encompass the interests and aspirations of all women. It is a co-op for women 24/7, motivated by the love of Jesus, we hope we can help each other to grow and be creative in applying our inner strengths and realizing our potential to serve our community.

We sincerely invite you to browse our blog and to join our Tuesday Zoom meetings. The world keeps changing but the love of God never changes, let’s march towards a wonderful and fulfilling life together!

Winnie Wong
